Huaran News

Povos closed the M&A deal with Honma

Published:2011-06-01    Source:HICG

On 31st May,2011. Shanghai Povos Enterprise Group announced that Povos has accomplished the process of acquiring the controlling stake of Honma Golf, the famous high-end Japanese golf club manufacturer. As Povos promised to its shareholders and counterparties, all the detailed procedures were completed by the end of May. From 1st June, Povos will take charge of the daily management of Honma.

Spending* million USD, Povos has entered the new field switching from traditional manufacturing to high-end consumer product, realizing the transformation.

Shanghai Huaran Investment Consulting Group (HICG) was the M&A advisor of Povos for the cited transaction. During the transaction, HICG provided a wide range of strategic consulting services including M&A advisory. Our vision is to assist more Chinese private enterprises in their M&A activities in both domestic and abroad market, reaching inorganic growth.  

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